Noah’s Ark offers a warm, loving and welcoming environment to all children and their families. Our team of staff have been carefully chosen for their personalities and experience in caring for pre-school children.
Every child is an individual and is precious to their family. Therefore, we like to work with families to enable us to provide the best possible care for children.
We recognise that children only have one childhood and that their pre-school years are the most important ones. Therefore, our nursery atmosphere and activities are aimed at developing self confidence, friendships and social skills. Children are able to learn at their own pace, through play, in a loving, secure environment.
Our children are encouraged to develop their own personalities to communicate and work with each other and understand the concepts of the written word and numbers. Children are given space and time to access their own recourses as well as join in with group activities. Children are encouraged to investigate the world around them through nature walks and our outdoor environment. Each child has their own learning journal and their key worker makes sure they are engaged in activities appropriate to their age and ability.
Noah’s Ark is situated within Lancing Manor grounds. This lovely setting provides us with large grassy spaces, lots of trees and the surrounding downland area. When taken into the grounds, the children are always under very close supervision.
We provide three meals a day, which are prepared on site by our cook. Our menus provide the children with a healthy balanced diet.